Your Guide to Drawing Your Favorite Four-Legged Friend
By Jane Williams
Thu, May 30, 2019 at 9:11AM

Your Guide to Drawing Your Favorite Four-Legged Friend

Are you more of a dog or cat person? Despite how you answer, it doesn’t change the fact that 36.5% of households in the United States have a dog. Often treated like members of the family, it’s no secret that dogs are special. If you recently taught your dog to sit and stay, he’ll easily make the perfect model for your next drawing.


Beginning your masterpiece

Drawing your pup might seem like a walk in the park at first, but as you try and try again, somehow it just doesn’t look right. Sound familiar? One of the reasons drawing your dog can be so difficult is because of the immense detail he or she has. Beginning with simple drawing techniques can make your time drawing your dog a whole lot easier, and bring your drawing to a whole new level.

When you begin drawing your dog, using a sharp pencil and a nice soft eraser can make a big difference. When you choose to draw with a pen or marker, you’re unable to erase your mistakes, which can lead to a new sheet of paper and a bit of frustration. Should you wish to have a drawing in pen or marker, starting with pencil first and later going over with your choice of ink later is a great way to go. Otherwise, sticking to a sharp pencil and soft eraser should be your go-to tools when drawing your dog.

A trick to begin your drawing is to lightly draw the outline, or the shape of your dog's body. Why? Lightly outlining in pencil allows you to get a feel for what works best, and it can easily be erased without leaving marks in the paper. Once you have an outline that you’re happy with, adding in details can be a lot easier.


Draw from reference

You might notice if you start your drawing without looking at anything but your drawing, that it can be quite challenging. Drawing your dog from reference, such as from a photo, or even looking at your dog from across the room can be a great way to capture every detail. This way, you can have a guide while drawing. Drawing from reference not only allows you to capture every detail but also can help your drawing look much more realistic, if that’s the look you’re going for.

However, it’s important to know that drawing while looking at your dog can be quite difficult, especially if your pup is of the hyper variety. In this case, taking a picture of your dog in the position you’d like to draw him from is a great way around this, and you can reference the picture time and time again, all without having to worry if he’s going to get up every five minutes. If you’re still having trouble drawing your dog, a guided tutorial can be extremely helpful and can help you by showing you step by step how to master the art of drawing your fluffy friend, no matter what style you’re going for. From cartoon style to realistic, there is a tutorial on how to draw any dog online, and via video as well.


Finish up with some careful detail

When you have the outline and major details of your pup on paper, you’ll know it’s time to add in the smaller details, such as fur. Employing simple drawing techniques like shading can truly make a world of difference in your drawing, and using small, individualized strokes can help those details of the individual hairs stand out. One of the best ways to go about drawing small details is by using a sharp pencil, which can make it easier to work small.

Once you have the drawing complete, finishing up with some final details such as a background can really bring your drawing to life. Using color in your drawing, such as colored pencils, pens, crayons or markers is also a great idea. Framing your drawing is always a nice touch, and don’t forget to sign your name as well.

Drawing a masterpiece of your dog doesn’t have to be difficult. With a few simple techniques, anyone can draw Fido, and you’re sure to love the outcome of your furry friend’s portrait.

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